Five UK Fiber Altnets Unite for Fair Access and Pricing

UK Fiber

Five UK fiber altnets have formed a coalition in a significant move to advocate for fairer access to Openreach’s physical infrastructure.

Initiated by nexfibre, the Physical Infrastructure Access (PIA) coalition includes AllPoints Fibre, Community Fibre, Gigaclear, and the recently merged Netomnia and Brsk.

Collectively, these altnets serve over 5 million premises, positioning them as significant users of Openreach’s wholesale infrastructure. 

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The coalition commissioned an in-depth economic analysis of Openreach’s PIA regulation conducted by SPC Network. The findings highlight a significant imbalance in pricing, with altnet operators paying “significantly more” to access ducts and poles compared to what Openreach charges itself.  

In response to these findings, the PIA coalition is urging Ofcom to ensure a level playing field for all users of PIA in its forthcoming Telecoms Access Review (TAR). The group warns that competition and investment in the long-term fiber rollout could be jeopardized without intervention, potentially undermining the UK’s international competitiveness. This foresight and concern for the industry’s future is at the heart of the coalition’s advocacy.  

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While the coalition acknowledges the successes of Ofcom’s 2021 market review—particularly the shared use of Openreach’s poles and ducts, which has accelerated fiber deployment-it emphasizes the need for continued vigilance. Ofcom, which regulates PIA products through a series of terms, conditions, and pricing, is tasked with protecting the interests of all PIA users.  

According to Ofcom’s rules, PIA access must be non-discriminatory against third-party operators (meaning any entity outside BT). However, the PIA coalition has identified evidence suggesting discriminatory pricing practices, though specific details have not been disclosed.

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